I must admit walking into the Time Warner Center this morning was a bit overwhleming. At Mega TV, I basically worked on my own. I was the assignment desk, producer, booker and reporter and besides my right hand man, my cameraman, Eric and another Techinical Director, we were Mega TV. Here, it is obvious that you are part of something bigger. There are hundreds of people, producers, studios, edit rooms etc, that work for all NY based CNN programs. One of the first people I ran into in the elevator was Eliot Spitzer, former NY Governor (remember him?) and now anchor of Parker Spitzer on CNN. Definitely a huge difference from my little basement office at Mega TV.
However, the excitement of being there, knowing that I am now part of one of the most prestigious news networks in the world, trumpted any nervousness or anxiousness that I was feeling. Beyond that, the CNN En Espanol team is still pretty small. We have a senior planning producer and another reporter who has been working as their only correpondent for 2 years, Adriana Hauser. I met both of them today and I am truly looking forward to joining their team!!! My cameraman, Eric is also making the move with me.. so now we are 4... a number I am more used to.
And, some other familiar faces will be joining me as well. Two of my former Mega TV colleagues, Fernando Del Rincon and Camilo Egana, have already made to move to CNN and I cannot wait to once again be on air with them.
I'm not quite sure what exactly I'll be doing on a day to day basis. That is what this week is all about, and I anticipate making a trip to Atlanta next week to meet with the rest of the team and management.
There are a lot of mixed feelings as I leave Mega - they gave me great experience, and I will miss them. But moving to CNN is such a great opportunity, a chance of a lifetime. Wish me luck, and I'll keep you all posted as things happen... and when you can catch my debut! Stay tuned!